Growing up I loved watching cartoons and anime, I loved looking at all the characters and superhero’s. With the goal in hand of waiting to become one one day , Being grown now and knowing that, that’s not possible the next best thing I can do is design and create them.
My influence have defiantly been Cartoons and Anime, as a kid drawing was my way of relaxing and standing out from the rest because it was a skill that not everybody had. The Anime and cartoons that I watched when I was younger had a massive in fluences of my career path that I have taken. The twist that I have put on my art and designs is by incorporating my culture into it. with me being half German I have really taking most of my fluences from the Norse Myths. Both sides of my family has the love for art and design. but my Grand Mother was really a big part of me becoming a graphic designer as she was the one that introduced me too cartoons.
My work focuses are being an illustrator, logo designer, product designer and video editor.
I can now proudly say that I’m a Graphic design, that will leave my mark in the industry.