Gareth Alpha Davids

Growing up I loved watching cartoons and anime, I loved looking at all the characters and superhero’s. With  the goal in hand of waiting to become one one day , Being grown now and knowing that, that’s not possible the next best thing I can do is design and create them.

My influence have defiantly been Cartoons and Anime, as a  kid drawing was my way of relaxing and standing out from the rest because it was a skill that not everybody had. The Anime and cartoons that I watched when I was younger had a massive in fluences of my career path that I have taken. The twist that I have put on my art and designs is by incorporating my culture into it. with me being half German I have really taking most of my fluences from the Norse Myths. Both sides of my family has the love for art and design. but my Grand Mother  was really a big part of me becoming a graphic designer as she was the one that introduced me too cartoons.

My work focuses are being an illustrator, logo designer, product designer and video editor.

I can now proudly say that I’m a Graphic design, that will leave my mark in the industry.

Self Portrait : Ragnarök

This was a self portrait  that I design in a comic/ animated style. The theme I went with for this self-portrait was Norse old Germanic, Nordic. 

What inspired this design was that I’m half German and I wanted to incorporate that into my design, as well as my fascination with lighting. So that is why I have created myself to look like a Norse god from my point of view.


V-Corps viral protection kit (V-KIT)

When I came up with the designs for this kit there was nothing like it on the market at the time and there still isn’t, and that was when covid was at its worst in South Africa.

My goal was to create a kit that was your (100% protection from all infection. TM)  and that’s when I came up with the


character design Gungnir the rock god.

When coming up with this character design I was very much inspired by Jason Momoa, that’s whey the face will look very familiar.

Gungnir is the god of rock in my own pantheon of characters, you could go to say that he is one of the same gods as Ragnarök.